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Early Case Review

Early Case Review

JuryScope can be retained for Early Case Review to draw on JuryScope’s decades of experience in formulating a strategy for litigation.

For those instances when jury research is not feasible (due to cost, unfamiliarity with the process, or because of concerns about the efficacy of jury research), JuryScope can be retained for Early Case Review.

Prior to strategizing with the trial team, a JuryScope consultant reviews case documents to familiarize themselves with the case matter. At a strategy meeting, the JuryScope consultant asks questions and discusses the case in-depth in order to best advise on jury-specific issues to guide the trial team through discovery, the development of trial strategy, motion practice, and evidentiary issues.

We highlight issues likely to be of most concern (most persuasive or most damaging) to a jury. One key goal of the strategy meeting is the early identification of trial themes, which lawyers can then develop through discovery. The strategy meeting is also the appropriate time for the lawyers to present their greatest concerns to the consultant and to discuss how those issues might be managed most effectively, whether it be through jury instructions, motions in limine, a witness, or other mitigating evidence.


JuryScope offers a comprehensive selection of consulting options to guide the trial team through all stages of litigation.

Directed Focus Group Discussion

Directed Focus Group Discussion

General Litigation Assistance

General Litigation Assistance

Juror Profiling Research

Juror Profiling Research

Deliberation Group Research

Deliberation Group Research

Early Case Review

Early Case Review

Graphics Conceptualization

Graphics Conceptualization

Jury Selection

Jury Selection

Opening Observation Study

Opening Observation Study

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Large Group Surveys

Large Group Surveys

Witness Preparation

Witness Preparation

Strategy Assessment Research

Strategy Assessment Research

Moderated Judge Panel

Moderated Judge Panel

Virtual Jury Research

Virtual Jury Research

Post-Trial Juror Interviews

Post-Trial Juror Interviews

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Mock Arbitration Focus Group

Mock Arbitration Focus Group

Communicate Your Case to the Jury

(952) 851-5544

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