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Mock Arbitration Focus Group

Mock Arbitration Focus Group

A Mock Arbitration Focus Group seeks to obtain a picture of how arbitrators would consider the issues in a case and how they might reach a decision based on the evidence presented.

By using multiple arbitrators with varying backgrounds, the trial team and client have a better understanding of key points heading into an arbitration.

The key issues to test could include, among others: what points are most important to the arbitrator, how the different backgrounds of the arbitrators could affect the outcome of the proceeding, and how the arbitrators would reach a decision.


JuryScope offers a comprehensive selection of consulting options to guide the trial team through all stages of litigation.

Directed Focus Group Discussion

Directed Focus Group Discussion

General Litigation Assistance

General Litigation Assistance

Juror Profiling Research

Juror Profiling Research

Deliberation Group Research

Deliberation Group Research

Early Case Review

Early Case Review

Graphics Conceptualization

Graphics Conceptualization

Jury Selection

Jury Selection

Opening Observation Study

Opening Observation Study

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Large Group Surveys

Large Group Surveys

Witness Preparation

Witness Preparation

Strategy Assessment Research

Strategy Assessment Research

Moderated Judge Panel

Moderated Judge Panel

Virtual Jury Research

Virtual Jury Research

Post-Trial Juror Interviews

Post-Trial Juror Interviews

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Mock Arbitration Focus Group

Mock Arbitration Focus Group

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